
2023Global Influences in the Growth of the Catholic Church in the Pacific Region In Casanova and Phan eds The Catholic Church in Asia Pacific and Globalisation. Georgetown Uni Press  View Abstract
(with M.Forsyth and W.Kipongi) How to Adress Escalating Violence in PNG DevPolicy Blog 14 July  View Abstract
Postmodern Faith Responses to Sorcery Accusations in Papua New Guinea ASPCAMER vol 1, no. 1 42 kb  View Abstract
2022(with Jeanette Baird) Christian Ethos and Academic Identity at a PNG University DWU Research Journal 37, pp.1-11  View Abstract
(with L. Yakam, M.Ariku, A.Sumb, M.Miti) Social perspectives of different age and gender groups in the Sinsibai Community, WHP  DWU Research Journal 38, pp.15-29  View Abstract
2021(with Rocio Figueroa) Catholics- Christianity in Oceania in Ross, K.R., Tahaafe-Williams, K., Johnson, T., (Eds.) Christianity in Oceania, pp. 190-204. Edinb 6.8 Mb  View Abstract
(with Miranda Forsyth) Causal Stories and the Role of Worldviews in Analysing Responses to Sorcery Accusations and Related  Foundations of Science 2021 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10699-020-09727-4  View Abstract
(with Baird & Nasale) Melanesian culture and Western-style higher education: Reflections of PNG university Academics DWU Research Journal, vol 34, pp. 28-37 786KB  View Abstract
Pastoralinstitute in Ozeanien als Forschungsstätten in: Klaus Vellguth (Ed), Pastoralinstitute weltweit. Ferment einer Kirche von morgen, Herder Verlag 223kB  View Abstract
(with Manineng, Sarsoruo, Schuele) Prevailing divergent views regarding COVID-19 vaccine among Divine Word University students and impl DWU Research Journal, vol 36, pp. 1-13. 545KB  View Abstract
(with Lorelle Yakam) Security issues for women and children in Papua New Guinea Development Bulletin 82: Perspectives on Pacific Security: Future Currents, pp. 95-99 24.5MB  View Abstract
(with Forsyth, Kipongi, Losoncz) Sorcery accusation related violence in Papua New Guinea: the impact of SARV on Children Discussion Paper 97, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University.  https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3958505#  View Abstract
(with Forsyth, Losoncz) Sorcery Accusation Related Violence in PNG: Characteristics of Perpetrators and their Accomplices Spotlight 14.11 PNG National Research Institute. https://pngnri.org/images/Publications/Spotlight_Vol_14_Issue_11_.pdf  View Abstract
(with Kipongi Lutz Losoncz Forsyth Hukula) Sorcery Accusation-Related Violence (SARV) in Enga Province Issues Paper 37. The National Research Institute, PNG. https://pngnri.org/images/Publications/Sorcery_Accusation-Related_Violence_SARV_in_Enga_Province.pdf  View Abstract
The Melanesian Institute of Papua New Guinea and the Anthropos Tradition In Grodz, S. (ed.) Giant's Footprints, Anthropos Institute, pp. 189-193
(with Yakam McKenna Philip Sidney Pitala) The social perspectives of different age and gender groups in Dimer community, Madang province, Papu DWU Research Journal, vol 34, pp. 1-16 610KB  View Abstract
The Soul within Oceania The Melanesian Journal of Theology  View Abstract
(with Miranda Forsyth) Worldview Pluralism: Part 1. Sorcery Accusations Devpolicy Blog, March 26 https://devpolicy.org/worldview-pluralism-part-1-sorcery-accusations-20210326-1/  View Abstract
(with Miranda Forsyth) Worldview Pluralism: Part 2. Covid-19 Implications Devpolicy Blog, March 26 https://devpolicy.org/worldview-pluralism-part-2-covid-19-implications-20210326-4/  View Abstract
2020(with Jeanette Baird) Academic identity in themes for the Third Decade Strategic Plan at Divine Word University DWU Research Journal, Vol 33, pp. 1-15 307KB  View Abstract
Development of the Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences for Oceania In B. Green and K.A. Kanongata'a (Eds.) Weaving Theology in Oceania: Culture, Context and Practice 3.9MB  View Abstract
(with Kolodziejczyk, Nembou, Sagrista) Digital Skills at Divine Word University, Papua New Guinea IAFOR Journal of Education: Technology in Education 8 (2), pp. 107-124 339KB  View Abstract
Hexenwahn in Papua New Guinea. Fallstudie Christina.  Missio Internationalis Katholisches Missionswerk e.V. Aachen 2020. Germany 3MB  View Abstract
Noble Traditions and Christian Principles. The Integral Spirituality of Bernard Narokobi The Journal of Pacific History, 55.2, pp. 220-234 475KB  View Abstract
Papua New Guinea World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., pp. 626-630, Johnson & Zurlo eds.
(with Schuele, Kuman, Vamilat, Pus, Namun) Risk perceptions and responses to COVID-19 at a Papua New Guinea University DWU Research Journal, vol 33, pp. 59-80 2.4MB  View Abstract
(with McKenna, Yakam, Exekiel, Ulno) Social perspectives of different age and gender groups in selected communities in WHP Jiwaka Madang DWU Research Journal 32, pp. 22-45 2.1MB  View Abstract
Sorcery Accusation-Related Violence in Papua New Guinea. Christina - a case study Missio Internationalis Katholisches Missionswerk e.V. Aachen 2020. Germany 393KB  View Abstract
(with Fiona Hukula and Miranda Forsyth) The importance of messaging for COVID-19 Blog https://pngnri.org/index.php/blog/159-the-importance-of-messaging-for-covid-19-what-can- we-learn-from-messaging-against-sorcery-accusation-related-violence-2  View Abstract
Witchcraft Accusations and Hybrid Formulations On Knowing Humanity, 4.1, pp. 65-68  View Abstract
2019(with Matthias Lopa)) Apodérense de nuestra tierra …y nosotros no somos ya nadie".  Spiritus 60.1, N° 234, Marzo 2019, 64-79. .PDF(1MB)
(with Matthias Lopa) “Prenez notre terre… et nous ne sommes plus personne”:  Spiritus 234, pp 78-91  .PDF (6MB)  View Abstract
(with Matthias Lopa) “Take our land and we become nobody”: Laudato Si’ in action in Papua New Guinea. Verbum SVD 60:1-2 (2019), pp. 79-91 .PDF(222kB)  View Abstract
(with Miranda Forsyth)) Contagion of Violence: The Role of Narratives, Worldviews, Mechanisms. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, vol 8, no.3  https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcjsd.v9i2.1217  View Abstract
(with Miranda Forsyth) Countering poisonous stories: an example of sorcery in Papua New Guinea Power to Persuade blog Blog  View Abstract
Navigating Troubled Waters Review, Mission Studies 36.2, pp. 340-342 .PDF(77KB)  View Abstract
(with K. McKenna, L. Yakam) Perception of the public on the law as a deterrent to sorcery accusation related violence, Madang Pr DWU Research Journal, vol 28, May 2019, pp. 51-71 https://www.dwu.ac.pg/en/images/All_Attachements/Research%20Journals/vol_30/5._Gibbs_McKenna__Yakam_sorcery_accusation_related_violence.pdf  View Abstract
(with Forsyth, Hukula, Putt, Munau, Los)) Ten preliminary. Findings concerning sorcery accusation related violence in Papua New Guinea Discussion Paper #80, March 2019, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3360817  View Abstract
(with F.Hukula, M. Forsyth) Witchcraft and human rights: global learnings and conversations. Development Policy Blog. April 17, 2019 https://devpolicy.org/witchcraft-and-human-rights-global-learnings-and-conversations-20190417/  View Abstract
2018Conversion from Ethnocentrism In Stanislaus, L. and Ueffing, M. (eds). Intercultural Living. Explorations in Missiology, pp. 106ff  View Abstract
Ethics and the politics of school fees in the 2017 elections DWU Research Journal 28, pp. 42-53 https://www.dwu.ac.pg/en/images/All_Attachements/Research%20Journals/vol_28/2018v28-04-Gibbs-Ethics-and-the-Politics-of-School-Fees.pdf  View Abstract
Globalisation In L.T. Stanislaus and vanThanh Nguyen (Eds.) Missionary Discipleship in Glocal Contexts, pp. 13-28  View Abstract
Witchcraft accusation: a modern missionary challenge Missio Inter Gentes 4.2 December, pp. 87-101  View Abstract
2017(with Elly Kale) Completion Rates in Flexible Learning Contemporary PNG Studies. DWU Research Journal 26, pp. 56-66 http://www.dwu.ac.pg/en/images/Research_Journal/2016_Vol_25/2017_Vol_26/2017_Vol_26/5_Gibbs__Kale_flexible_learning_completion_rates.pdf  View Abstract
(with Miranda Forsyth) International debates around witchcraft accusation based violence Development Policy Blog (ANU) http://devpolicy.org/international-debates-around-witchcraft-accusation-based-violence-20171004/  View Abstract
(with Miranda Forsyth) Witchcraft accusation based violence gets international attention for the first time Development Policy Blog (ANU) http://devpolicy.org/witchcraft-accusation-based-violence-gets-international-attention-first-time-20  View Abstract
2016Basic Rules of Enga Spelling Appendix 6 in Wiessner (ed.) Enga Culture & Community Wisdom from the Past, pp. 252-253 .PDF(21kB)
Grave Business in Enga Journal of the Polynesian Society 125 (2): pp 115-132 http://dx.doi.org/10.15286/jps.125.2.115-132   View Abstract
I could be the last man - changing masculinities in Enga Society The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 17:3-4, pp. 324-341 https://doi.org/10.1080/14442213.2016.1179783  View Abstract
Men's Matters. Changing Masculine Identities in Papua New Guinea In Biersack, Jolly, Macintyre (eds) Gender Violence and Human Rights, pp. 127-158 http://press-files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/n2168/pdf/ch03.pdf  View Abstract
Quality of life and development challenges in a Middle Ramu community Contemporary PNG Studies. DWU Research Journal 25, pp. 1-12 http://www.dwu.ac.pg/en/images/Research_Journal/2016_Vol_25/Quality_of_life_and_development_challenges_in_a_Middle_Ramu_community.pdf  View Abstract
(with Winnie William) Second Chance Caring for HIV-Infected Mothers and Their Children in Mendi, Papua New Guinea In Naomi McPherson (ed.) Missing the Mark? pp. 74-95 .PDF(250kB)  View Abstract
2015Beyond the Fence: Confronting Witchcraft Accusations in the Papua New Guinea Highlands International Bulletin of Missionary Research 464KB  View Abstract
Confronting Sorcery Violence in PNG Policy Forum ANU Canberra http://www.policyforum.net/confronting-sorcery-accusation-violence-in-png/  View Abstract
(With Heather Worth) Eating Coffee Candy: HIV Risk at Huli Funerals Health of HIV Infected People, vol 2, pp. 19-29. Ed. Ronald Ross Watson  View Abstract
Hardly Fair: Gender equity during the 2012 PNG National Elections - Wabag Open electorate Catalyst 45.1, pp. 43-60 1.1MB  View Abstract
Practical Church Interventions on Sorcery and Witchcraft Violence in the PNG Highlands In Talking it through: The Problems & Victims of Sorcery & Witchcraft Violence.. Forsyth & Eves Eds http://press-files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/p316611/pdf/17.-Practical-Church-Interventions-on-Sorcery-and-Witchcraft-Violence-in-the-Papua-New-Guinea-Highlands.pdf  View Abstract
(With Sarah Logan) Using Mobile Phones to Track Anti-Witchcraft Violence in Papua New Guinea In Brief 2015/19 Australian National University http://bellschool.anu.edu.au/sites/default/files/publications/attachments/2015-12/IB-2015-19-Logan%2BGibbs-ONLINE_0.pdf  View Abstract
2014Papua New Guinea Worldmark Encyclopaedia of Religious Practices, 2nd ed., vol 3 730KB  View Abstract
Tale of Two Speakers. Culture and Religious Hermeneutics Eves et al. Purging Parliament. ANU Discussion Papers 5.3MB  View Abstract
The Church Confronts Witchcraft in Papua New Guinea Divine Word Missionaries. Spring 2014 1.1MB  View Abstract
2013(with Dorothy Kukum) Case Study: The Wabag Open Electorate of the Enga Province Issues Paper 2, National Research Institute, Port Moresby 3.1MB  View Abstract
Disability and Pastoral Theology Callan Service and Melanesian Institute: Guide to future disability related research, pp. 37-42 164KB  View Abstract
Election Audit by the Catholic Church in the PNG Highlands Point 37 The Politics of Give and Take. Melanesian Institute, pp. 202-214 340KB  View Abstract
Encountering Difference: Interculturality and Contextual Theology Verbum SVD 54 (1): pp 75-89 258KB  View Abstract
Facing Fragility in a Fragile State Catalyst 43.2, pp. 170-180 195KB  View Abstract
Thy Kingdom Come: Political Holiness for Papua New Guinea in Helen Bergen, ed. From North to South: Southern Scholars Engage with Edward Schillebeeckx. 184KB  View Abstract
2012Auf dem Weg zu einer wahrhaft menschlichen Gesellschaft? Forum Weltkirche, April 455kb  View Abstract
(with Heather Worth) Eat Coffee Candy and Die: Sex Death and Huli Funerals Sexual Health 9 (5) 497-498 65kb  View Abstract
Engendered Violence and Witch-killing in Simbu In Engendering Violence in Papua New Guinea, eds Jolly, Steward & Brewer, ANU EPress 1.2MB  View Abstract
Indigenous Spirituality - Expanding the View Dreaming a New Earth - Raimon Pannikar and Indigenous Spiritualities. Eds Hall and Hendricks. 295kb  View Abstract
La fragilite dans un Etat fragile Spiritus 208, pp 322-335 1.5MB  View Abstract
Land as Legacy Catalyst 42 (1) pp. 1-11 594KB  View Abstract
Land grabbing in Papua Forum Weltkirke 4. pp. 20-25 356kb  View Abstract
Mission and Culture: the SVD Connection In Mission and Culture: The Louis J Luzbetak Lectures. S. Bevans (ed.) Orbis Press. 1.4MB  View Abstract
(with Lorraine Basse & Thomas Warr) PMIZ: Promise and Plight Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal 16: 37-51 442kb  View Abstract
The Context of God's Mission in Papua New Guinea: Intercultural Relations and an SVD Tradition Verbum SVD 53.1 266kb  View Abstract
2011AIDS is not just a Disease Divine Word Missionaries, Winter 324kb  View Abstract
Enga Tindi Pii: The Real World and Creative Imagination. Sung Tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Rumsey and Niles eds. ANU EPress, pp.151-164. 299KB  View Abstract
Fr das Leben der einfachen Leute. Stadt Gottes, Februar. pp. 32-34 664KB  View Abstract
Getting to Know our Neighbours Common Theology 3.2 266kb  View Abstract
H�ter der Sch�pfung in Nepal. Stadt Gottes, September, pp. 32-33 283kb  View Abstract
LPV in Enga: the Wabag Open Electorate Election 2007. May, Anere, Haley & Wheen eds. NRI, PNG, pp 261-284. 285 kb  View Abstract
Mission am Ende der Welt. Stadt Gottes, Februar. pp. 32-34 3MB  View Abstract
Nicht nur eine Krankheit Stadt Gottes. November 291kb  View Abstract
(With Terrance Borchard.) Parallelism and Poetics in Tindi Narratives Sung in the Ipili Language. Sung Tales from the Papua New Guinea Highlands. Rumsey and Niles eds. ANU EPress, pp.165-196. 541KB  View Abstract
Stewards of Creation in Nepal Divine Word Missionaries, Summer 1MB  View Abstract
(With Marie Mondu.) The Context of HIV Transmission during the 2007 Election in Enga Province Election 2007. May, Anere, Haley & Wheen eds. NRI, PNG, pp 157-176. 350 kb  View Abstract
VIVAT - Let the People Live  Link  View Abstract
2010Bro Martin anthropologist Divine Word Missionaries, Spring 950kb  View Abstract
Emerging Indigenous Theologies in Oceania Concilium 2010 (5): 34-44 168KB  View Abstract
Inkulturation des christlichen Glaubens in Papua-Neuguinea (PNG).  Missio konkret 4/2010, pp. 3-6. 2.2MB  View Abstract
(in press) LPV in Enga:The Wabag Open Electorate in the 2007 ... NRI, Papua New Guinea 1.6 Mb
((with Marie Mondu)) Sik Nogut o Nomol Sik: A study into the Socio-cltural Factors Contributing to Sexual Health in the S Sydney: Caritas Australia  View Abstract
To the Ends of the Earth Divine Word Missionaries, Techny, Fall Issue 1.400KB  View Abstract
Witch-killing and Engendered Violence Catalyst 40 (1) 24-64 201KB  View Abstract
2009Forces of Death and the Promise of Life in Papua N... Australian E-Journal of Theology 14 .PDF(92KB)
Gender Voice through Photos Papua New Guinea Yearbook 2009 http://www.philipgibbs.org/pdfs/Gender Voice through Photos.pdf
Making Sense of HIV and AIDS: Community Conversation in the Papua New Guinea Context Catalyst 39.2: 56-70 .PDF(40KB)
(with Josepha Wailoni) Sorcery and a Christian Response in the East Sepik In F. Zocca ed., Sanguma in Paradise. Point 33, pp. 55-96, Melanesian Institute, Papua New Guinea .PDF(3,205KB)
Sorcery and AIDs in Simbu, East Sepik and Enga Occasional Paper 2, National Research Institute, Port Moresby .PDF(1,460KB)
(with Marie Mondu) The Context of HIV Transmission during the 2007 Elections in the Enga Province, Papua New Guinea Catalyst 39.2: 135-157 .PDF(71KB)
Violence and Living Prophetic Dialogue In Mission and Violence. Patrick Gesch (ed). Madang: DWU Press, pp. 137-143 http://www.philipgibbs.org/pdfs/Violence and Living Prophetic Dialogue.pdf  View Abstract
2008Healing in the Context of HIV and AIDS in Papua New Guinea Australian E-Journal of Theology 12 .PDF(1,426KB)
Observing Elections in Papua New Guinea Divine Word Missionaries, Techny. Fall issue .PDF(3,549KB)
(with Josepha Junnie Wailoni) Sorcery Among the Plains Arapesh Anthropos 103: 149-158 .PDF(2,068KB)
Tribal conflict: Churches persevere in seeking solutions Papua New Guinea Yearbook 2008, ed. Brian Gomez. Port Moresby: The National and Cassowary Books .PDF(2,297KB)
2007Bountiful Harvest: The Churches in Papua New Guinea Occasional Paper 13. Goroka, Melanesian Institute .PDF(6,399KB)
Chanted Tales In Papua New Guinea Yearbook, 2007. Ed. Brian Gomez. Port Moresby: The National and Cassowary Books, .PDF(1,426KB)
Culture and Faith: The Contribution of the Melanesian Institute, Papua New Guinea In L. Plutnicov, Paula Brown and Vinson Sutlive (eds.) Anthroplogy?s Debt to Missionaries, Ethnology http://www.philipgibbs.org/pdfs/Culture and Faith.pdf
Narrative and Context in a Practical Theology for Papua New Guinea Australian E-Journal of Theology 9 .PDF(2,462KB)
(with D.W.Young) The Churches and Peace Building in the Papua New Guinea Highlands Research Report, Port Moresby: PNG Church Partnership Program .PDF(12,942KB)
2006(Editor) Alive in Christ Point 30 Melanesian Institute, Goroka, Papua New Guinea
(with Paul Petrus) Impairments and Social Disability in Yagaria (Lufa) Papua New Guinea Research Report. Goroka: Melanesian Institute .PDF(10,860KB)
Kumanda: Death and Pastoral Care ? a Christian Enga Perspective Catalyst 35.1 (2006) 81-99 .PDF(1,430KB)
Limited Preferential Voting and Enga Political Culture Catalyst 35.1 (2006) 3-25
Papua New Guinea In Encyclopaedia of Politics and Religion. Washington: CQ Press
Papua New Guinea In Globalization and the Re-Shaping of Christianity in the Pacific Islands, ed. Manfred Ernst. Suva, .PDF(14,413KB)
The Reception of Ecclesia in Oceania Chapter 6 in Alive in Christ. Point 30, pp 160-181. Also Australian E-Journal of Theology 11 .PDF(1,731KB)
2005"You have a Baby and I'll climb a Tree," Gender Relations Perceived through Enga Proverbs and Saying Catalyst 35.1 (2005) 15-33 .PDF(1,592KB)
Finding Faith in the City: Inculturation and the Urban Experience of Engan Catholics In Robert J. Kisala (ed.) Urbanization and Mission in Asia and the Pacific. Manila: Logos Publicati .PDF(2,757KB)
Fresh Shoots Divine Word Missionaries, Techny. Fall issue
Grassroots in Paradise: Contextual Theology for Papua New Guinea The Melanesian Journal of Theology 21.1 (2005) 37-62 .PDF(1,968KB)
Let New Life Spring Forth The Word. Divine Word Missionaries, Maynooth
Local Church, the Community in Mission: Physiognomy of an Inculturated Community Salesian Family Mission Seminar: Mission Animation Notes 1, pp.59-72, Rome: Editrice SDB .PDF(1,335KB)
Oceanic Religions: New Religious Movements Encyclopedia of Religion. Second Edition. Edited by Lindsay Jones, Macmillan Reference USA, Vol 10,
Political Discourse and Religious Narratives of Church and State in Papua New Guinea ANU, Canberra .PDF(3,624KB)  View Abstract
Resistance and Hope in a Theology of Land for Papua New Guinea Australian E-Journal of Theology 5 .PDF(299KB)
Rites of Passage: Oceanic Rites Encyclopedia of Religion. Second Edition. Edited by Lindsay Jones, Macmillan Reference USA, Vol 11,
2004Changing Perceptions of a Missionary-Researcher Pacific Studies 27, no 3/4, Special Issue, ?Back in the Field Again: Long-Term Fieldwork Oceanic Ant .PDF(2558KB)
Democracy and Enga Political Culture In Politicking in the Highlands: The 2002 Papuan New Guinea National Elections, SSGM Discussion Pape .PDF(1,927KB)
Faith Amid Destruction The Word, Divine Word Missionaries, Maynooth .PDF(569KB)
Growth, Decline and Confusion: Church Affiliation in Papua New Guinea Catalyst 34, no 2: 164-184 .PDF(1,557KB)
Its in the Blood South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies. No 31 (Dec. 2004) 22-27. Reprinted in Catalyst 34 no. 2 (2 .PDF(988KB)
Missionary Intervention and Melanesian Values in Papua New Guinea In Cyriac K. Pullapilly et al. (eds.) Christianity and Native Cultures: Perspectives from Different  .PDF(2,781KB)
Peace Bridge Divine Word Missionaries, Techny .PDF(2,982KB)
Politics and the Mission of the Church in Oceania East Asian Pastoral Review, vol 41, no.3, pp. 223-239 .PDF(1,553KB)
Politics, Religion, and the Churches: The 2002 Election in Papua New Guinea ANU, Canberra .PDF(1,374KB)
The God Triwan Movement: Inculturation Enga Style Catalyst 34 no. 1: 3-23 .PDF(1,971KB)
2003A Tale of Two Women Divine Word Missionaries, Techny .PDF(1,683KB)
(with Joseph Lakane) Haves and Have-nots: The 2002 Elections in the Enga Province, PNG Catalyst 33.2: 96-116 .PDF(1,671KB)
Moral Muddle: The Missions and Traditional Enga Values Catalyst 33.1:61-91 .PDF(2,637KB)
Perceptions of Causes of Disabilities in Wosera, East Sepik Province Catalyst 33.2: 149-181 .PDF(2,740KB)
The Changing face of Mission Divine Word Missionaries, Techny .PDF(2,046KB)
We are Church Divine Word Missionaries, Techny .PDF(978KB)
2002Faith and Culture Workshops. Society Matters 12 (3) Spring, pp. 3-4. http://www.philipgibbs.org/pdfs/Faith and culture.pdf  View Abstract
Inculturation and the Urban Faith Experience of Engan Catholics Catalyst 32.2: 165-196
Out! Out! Divine Word Missionaries, Techny .PDF(920KB)
Pearls in the Deep: Inculturation and Ecclesia in Oceania Catalyst 32:1 (2002) 94-111. Reprinted in Sedos Bulletin 36.1/2 (2004) 32-40 .PDF(1,587KB)
Religion and Religious Institutions as Defining Factors in Papua New Guinea Politics Development Bulletin 59, Development Studies Network, Research School of Social Sciences, ANU, Austr .PDF(634KB)
Rescuing the Memory of Peoples in Papua New Guinea Mission Studies .PDF(533KB)
The Place of Mission in Oceania Today In, The church in Mission: Universal Mandate and Local Concerns, eds. T. Malipurathu and L. Stanisl .PDF(1,510KB)
2001New Religious Groups in Papua New Guinea In Leonardo N. Mercado (ed.) Old Cultures, Renewed Religions: The Search for Cultural Identity in a  .PDF(2,363KB)
Ol Singsing Enga Kulele 3 (2001): 51-63 .PDF(1,022KB)
Religion and Politics in Papua New Guinea (1997-2000)  Point 24 (2001) 155-174 .PDF(1,608KB)
The Word in Steel Divine Word Missionaries, Techny .PDF(1,238KB)
2000Evangelisation with Proverbs and Sayings Verbum svd 41/1 (2000): 151-160. Reprinted in Catalyst 30/2 (2000) 185-196 .PDF(875KB)
Evangelizzare con i detti e i proverbi Ad Gentes 4/2 (2000) 265-274 .PDF(1,069KB)
Hope in Papua New Guinea Divine Word Missionaries, Techny .PDF(1,538KB)
Missionaries and Culture Verbum svd 41/1 (2000): 91-104.) Reprinted in Catalyst 31.1 (2001) 4-18. Reprinted in Ishvani Docum .PDF(1,289KB)  View Abstract
PX 891 from Wapenamanda Divine Word Missionaries, Spring 795KB  View Abstract
1999The Transformation of Culture as New Evangelisation (for the Third Millennium in Oceania).?  Studia Missionalia 48 (1999): 327-345 .PDF(972KB)
Transforming Humanity from Within: Inculturation as a Challenge for Evangelisation in Papua New Guin Compass 33/2 (1999): 16-20 .PDF(646KB)
1998In their Footsteps The Word, Divine Word Missionaries, Maynooth .PDF(1,615KB)
Papua New Guinea Pilgrimage Divine Word Missionaries, Techny .PDF(5,961KB)
The Religious Factor in Papua New Guinea Politics Catalyst 28/1 (1998): 27-51 .PDF(2,219KB)
1997Bokis Kontrak: An Engan Ark of the Covenant Catalyst 27/2 (1997): 147-164 .PDF(1,496)
Signs of the Times in Papua New Guinea Divine word Missionaries, Techny
1996An Old Testament Story Becomes Our Story In SVD Word in the World 1996?1997, Society of the Divine Word, Holland: Steyl Mission Press, 136-14 .PDF(1,934KB)
The Word in the Third World: Divine Revelation in the Theology of Jean-Marc ?a, Aloysius Pieris and Rome: Editrice Pontificia Universit?regoriana .PDF(43,117KB)
1995Divine Revelation in the Theology of Jean-Marc ?a, Aloysius Pieris and Gustavo Guti?ez S.T.D. Dissertation, Gregorian University, Rome
(Editor) The Sandalu Bachelor Ritual among the Laiapu Enga (Papua New Guinea) By John Schwab. Anthropos 90: 27-47 .PDF(5,307KB)
1994Akali Andake: Reflections on Enga Christology Catalyst 24/1: 27-42 .PDF(1,599KB)
The Gospel of Christ in Enga In P. Gesch (ed.) Gospel Transformations, Madang: Divine Word Institute, 33-41 .PDF(1,088KB)
1993Rewriting History Word in the World, Society of the Divine Word, Holland: Steyl Mission Press , 186-188
The Gospel of Christ in Enga  2Mb
1991The Task of the Local Church in Interpreting the Relationship between Text and Context in the Theolo S.T.L Thesis, Gregorian University, Rome http://www.philipgibbs.org/pdfs/Interpretive Task Local Ch.PDF
1990Titi Pingi: Theology of an Enga Praise Poem Catalyst 20/2: 117-136 .PDF(1,437KB)
1988Lepe: An Exercise in Horticultural Theology Catalyst 18/3: 215-234. Also in ATESEA Occasional Papers, No. 8. Doing Theology with People?s Symbol .PDF(1,298KB)
1978Kaunala Tape: Towards a Theological Reflection on a New Guinea Initiation Myth M.A. Thesis, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago .PDF(11,251KB)
Kepele: A Ritual from the Western Highlands of Papua New Guinea Anthropos 73: 434-448 .PDF(1,986KB)
1977Blood and Life in a Melanesian Context Point 1977, 166-177. Goroka: Melanesian Institute .PDF(1,255KB)
The Cult from Lyeimi and the Ipili Oceania 48 (September 1977): 1-25 .PDF(1,945KB)
1975Ipili Religion Past and Present. An account of the traditional religion of the people of the Porgera Postgraduate Dip. Anthrop. Thesis, University of Sydney .PDF(25,732)